A letter to the readers

My worst nightmare as a comic artist has come true: I started False Facade before it was ready. It needs to be rewritten.

This isn't a case of "oh I wrote myself into a corner." This is a blunder of 'plot' and pacing that underminds the entire point of these characters and their story. Let me explain.

Years ago, these characters and ultimate plot were created separate from their current setting. The setting and pacing came from an OCT which, over time, was grandfathered in as a story plot was created. It was a slippery slope that became rushed, jilted, and ultimately a disservice to everything involved. I believe these characters have a story that derseves to be told correctly, in the setting they should belong to, with a pacing and plot that serves the ultimate goal.

That being said, the current incarnation of False Facade will be ending here and taken down as not to influence the real and final version. I am already working on the new story and am much happier with the new, incomplete storyline than the previous, fully written one.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading! The next Dar and I see you it will be in the city, where he belongs.

<3 Kari
